Last day


Selfie in the last day in our iWeek about digital identity.

Blogging :

Enjoy blogging, you can share whatever you want, like tell people who are you, what do you like, where do you like to go. Best way to erase a bad or wrong post is posting possitive ones.

We often talk to students about ways in which to control their personal privacy. We talk about the repercussions of the over-sharing. We give them tips on how to best control their image within public spaces. We help them form the identity they want to form. However, what we often miss is the discussion about how we talk about others with our blogs, and how what we say may have a direct impact on someone else’s life.(

Guest apeakers:

-Diego Zavala

-Rebecca Hogue

-Helen DeWaard

Diego Zavala – I´m a Mexican media researcher, I have been working with interactive documentary for a few years. Thanks to a national grant from my university, Tecnologico de Monterrey, I was able to go to New York as a visiting researcher at the Met Media Lab. I am part of a project led by Red Cross, Brown Institute at Columbia, and the Met to address climate change. The three main components of the proposal are to work with food, data visualization, and art from the permanent collection at the museum. My collaboration is to develop an interactive documentary about a navigational chart that is part if the AAOA exhibition. My last conference presentation was at Visible Evidence XXIII. The communication´s title was: “Maps, Data Visualization, and the Indexical Link in Web Documentaries”. I´m currently working on a paper about Mexican judicial system and documentary.
(Bio directly from Diego, can check out the webpage for Diego).

Rebecca J. Hogue is a PhD Candidate (Education) at the University of Ottawa, in Ottawa Canada, specializing in learning technology and faculty development. She has a professional background in instructional design and software quality assurance. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in Distributed Learning (Distance Education), and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science. Her passion is for creating innovative education solutions. Her PhD research involves looking at the educational affordances of illness blogs. She teaches (online) instructional design for online courses at the University of Massachusetts-Boston.
In June 2014, she became a breast cancer warrior. This unexpected twist in her life helped her to highlight her desire to explore connected communities such as #rhizo14, and how education and our life experiences are enhanced through connections. She gives back to the connected cancer community by facilitating a free online course at In addition, Rebecca is Co-Founder of Virtually Connect – a grass roots movement to help make academic conferences more accessible through informal online conversations.
(Modified for third person from Rebecca’s home page).

Helen DeWaard Blogging buddy, Virtual buddy, Onsite buddy, Twitterati & participant. I’m a long-time learner in digital spaces, coming out of the shadows of my introversion to share in virtual communities. In my alter-time I teach at the Faculty of Education with Lakehead University in Ontario, Canada. I focus my teaching energies to digital and media literacies, critical digital pedagogy, digital storytelling, professional eportfolios and infusing professional practice with effective technology use. I’m a graduate of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) with an M.Ed focused on technology and special education. A portfolio of learning (My Renovations) was completed for the Masters of Educational Technology, University of British Columbia. I am a voracious reader of mystery, fantasy and all good works recommended by friends and family. I walk and wander where and when I can. Global travel is an infrequent event but always a welcome opportunity. I blog at Five Flames 4 Learning and reside digitally at


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