3rd Day (Wednesday)


Celebrating that our # is one of the most popular at national level


For the third day we learned about visitors and residents.(info from: http://daveowhite.com/vandr/)

Visitor: When in Visitor mode, individuals decide on the task they wish to undertake. For example, discovering a particular piece of information online, completing the task and then going offline or moving on to another task.

Resident: When in Resident mode the individual is going online to connect to, or to be with, other people. This mode is about social presence.

Interview: I interviewed a student of tec de mty, I can´t publish the audio because he asked me not to publish it, but he telled me that it is ok if I share his ideas with my own words.

I asked him about the what social media he uses, we told that he uses whattsapp, facebook, instagram,snapchat and twitter.


-Autumn Caines

-Bonnie Stewart

-Sundi Richard



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